
Community College Panel on Open Education Innovation and Collaboration

Una T. Daly, OCWC, US James Glapa-Grossklag, College of the Canyons, US Tom Caswell, Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, US Jean Runyon, Anne Arundel Community College, US

Moderator: Meena Hwang, Communications Director, OCWC


Cable Green, Director of Global Learning, Creative Commons Una Daly, Community College Outreach Manager, Open Courseware Consortium and part-time faculty at Foothill Community College James Glapa-Grossklag, Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, & Distance Learning at College of the Canyons and President, CCCOER advisory board Jean Runyon, Dean of Virtual Campus, Anne Arundel Community College and Co-Principal Investigator of Bridge-2-Success Next Generation Learning Learning Challenge funded project Dr. Nancy Pawlyshyn, Chief Assessment Officer in Academic Affairs, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY Dr. Braddlee, Dean of Libraries, Academic Technology and Online Learning, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY Conference Theme: Impact

Summary: Community Colleges are embracing open educational practices to support innovation and collaboration and expand student access

Abstract:The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) joined the Open Courseware Consortium as an associate consortium in 2011 signaling a maturing of OER efforts at the public two-year colleges in the United States and Canada. The open access mission and unique concerns of community colleges will be described and examples of national and local OER projects will be shared in this panel discussion.

The 1,100 community and technical colleges in the U.S. represent a growing and dynamic community of OER producers and users. Learn how different colleges are utilizing OER to support faculty innovation and collaboration and in the process expanding student access by lowering costs.

The topics below will be introduced by the panelists and then followed by an interactive question and answer period.

The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources was founded to give community colleges a voice in the Open Education movement. It promotes the creation and use of OER to improve teaching and learning and to make education more affordable. In partnership with the College Open Textbooks collaborative, it features resources such as an online catalog of 750+open textbooks with peer reviews, and tutorials and research information on best practices for OER. In addition, the collaborative has built a network of open textbook advocates on campuses nationwide and has supported development of multi-institutional faculty adopter communities to enhance and share discipline specific OER.

The Washington State Open Course Library features 42 open courses with expertly developed educational materials including syllabi, activities, readings, and assessments, and textbook for the highest enrolled two-year college classes. Developed in Washington, these courses are now distributed in multiple OER repositories and available globally to educators and students alike.

College of the Canyons is creating, collecting, and arranging OER by subject area, into "playlists" that will provide faculty and students with a rich choice of flexible content.

Acquiring the skills to learn is critical, yet can often be a barrier to student success. In addition, the core area of mathematics is key to many further areas of study. Bridge to Success (B2S) offers open, free content to cross the barrier to gaining the skills to learn, providing "bridging" content in mathematics and learning to learn. The bridging approach has been shown to increase learner capability and confidence, encourage participation, and contribute to the progression of a certificate or degree completion.

Project Kaleidoscope is implementing a set of fully open general education courses across eight colleges serving predominantly at-risk students. The project will dramatically reduce textbook costs and allow collaborative improvement of course design to improve student success.