

Institutional Collaboration of OpenCourseware in the Cloud Era - Experience of TOCWC

Hsu-Tien Wan, Taipei Medical University & Wei-I Lee, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Conference Theme: Innovation

Summary: a discussion of the collaboration of metadata and analytics tools we are using on our OCW content

Abstract: Taiwan OpenCourseware Consortium (TOCWC) was established in 2008. By the end of 2011, there are more than 27 members. All of them are higher-education institutes. Also, we have more than 400 courses, and 75% of them have video courseware. During the past few years, we have 2 major institutional-collaborating projects running. One is the metadata engineering. Another is the analytics aggregator for understanding the usage of these OpenCourseware (OCW). Since 2009, we have built a metadata model for Taiwan OCW content by incorporating with member universities. Moreover, we have also built an indexing system based on this metadata model in order to search OCW content efficiently. The metadata model contains 8 categories and 47 fields. We plan to collect metadata from more than 135 courses in 2012. We wish this system can improve the discoverability of OCW content. We have noticed that a huge proportion of visitors went deeply into institutional sites through the Consortium site. We would like to gather more usage information by using web-analytics tools. Instead of asking members to report monthly data, we have built a cloud reporting aggregator to collect and share measurable web-analytics data automatically. This project launched in November 2011 and there are 9 member universities currently involved. We are planning to do a statistical analysis once we get enough data. We think it might give us some hints on what strategy we could use to promote the movement of OCW.

Slide contents

  • Institutional Collaboration of OpenCourseware in the Cloud Era – Experience of TOCWC
  • Member Universities
  • OCW courses
  • Content Disciplines
  • Institutional Collaboration
  • Standardized Metadata Model
  • 8 categories and 47 fields
  • OCW Searching System
  • University site (example)
  • Cloud Reporting Aggregator for OCW
  • Online GA Workshop
  • Flow reports from 10 Members (by month)
  • Thank You, Questions
  • Cloud Reporting Aggregator for OCW
  • OCW Searching System