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OCWC Global 2013
A real picture of the current use of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Institutions in Spain and Latin Americas through the application of emergent technologies
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The OCW experience at FGV and beyond
Edmundo Tovar
May 2013
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A real picture of the current use of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Institutions in Spain and Latin Americas through the application of emergent technologies
Edmundo Tovar
, 2013
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The OCW experience at FGV and beyond
Stavros Xanthopoylos
, 2013
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Slide contents
Spanish and Latin American OpenCourseWare repositories in Higher Education
OCW as part of the Open movement
Evolution of the OCW
Trends and developments
Overall objectives
Types of research strategies used
A semantic faceted tool developed: Serendipity
Focus group with OCW managers
Focus group with OCW producers
Survey with OCW managers
Survey with OCW producers
Social Network Analysis
Types of results
OCW in Spain and Latin America
OCW courses by region
Number of OCW courses per University
Language used in OCW produced in Spain and Latin America
OCW courses by knowledge area
Language used in OCW produced in Spain and Latin America
OCW courses by knowledge area
OCW in Spain and Latin America
OCW in Spain and Latin America
Number of authors per OCW course
Types of results
Survey to OCW managers
Survey to OCW managers
Survey to OCW managers
Survey to OCW managers
Survey to OCW managers
What is for you the OCW?
What is for you the OCW?
What opportunities does it offer?
What opportunities does it offer?
What opportunities does it offer?
Future prospects
Problems implementing OCW
Problems implementing OCW
Problems implementing OCW
Opinion on OCW in general
Own OCW compared to others
Opinion OCW of own university
Reasons for not publishing
What is OCW?
What is OCW?
Problems with OCW?
Problems with OCW?
Label clouds
Label clouds
Conclusions of the project
Conclusions of the project
Conclusions of the project
SWOT Analysis